Water, why we need it!

Often times people complain to me about being constipated and when I ask them how much water they drink the answer is usually, very little. If we want our poop to come out nice and easy we need to drink plenty of water. In order to get the waste out of us, sometimes toxic depending on what you are eating or what chemicals you are exposed to, you need to drink water to flush them out either through excretion or sweat. 


Not drinking enough leads to fatigue and brain fog. We need water to carry oxygen through our red blood cells to increase our mental acuity.

Got achy joints and muscles? We need to water to help pump oxygen to our muscles and to keep our joints lubricated so we can easily move around. 

Get the picture? We need water to function properly, period.

What if you don't like taste of water? Try adding in some lemon or lime to your water or throw in some hibiscus petals for some flavor and color. Fill a jug or large water bottle (preferably reusable) with filtered water and set goals as to how much you'd like to drink. Drink, drink, drink and see which of your ailments disappear!