Simple Changes, Lasting Impact: #3 Sweeteners

#3 Change your sweeteners


Artificial sweeteners are the worse! Zero calorie but not zero impact. They can cause neurological problems amongst others and get this, causes weight gain in the long run! the complete opposite of what its claimed it can do. White sugar is different but no better. It's highly addictive, promotes premature aging, causes chronic diseases, and is highly fattening! So as I was saying before, fat doesn't make you fat, its the sugar that makes you fat.

But what should you switch to? We still need a little sweetness in life, no? Remove the white sugar and add in pure maple syrup (not the syrups with some maple syrup added!), raw honey, coconut sugar, sucanat and molasses. These sweeteners all have vitamins and minerals. But while these are definetly better than artificial sweeteners and white sugar they should still be eaten in moderation. So enjoy but don't go over board :)

Simple Changes, Lasting Impact #2 Change Your Fats

#2 Change your fats


We've been told over and over again that saturated fats are evil, stay away! And while I'll agree that some saturated fats, the ones from processed foods are evil, the others from natural sources aren't. In particular the ones that are in coconut oil, fabulously deliciously good for you! So good and heart healthy, the complete opposite of what we've always been told about it. Get this, coconut oil can help you to lose weight in the long run, and it's great for your brain!

Other than organic virgin coconut oil I recommend avocado oil, ghee from a grass-fed source, organic butter, and olive oil (to be used on low heat or salads). And btw, healthy fats don't make you fat!

What I recommend you stay away from are the vegetable oils, soybean oil, canola oil and margarine. They are highly processed and absolutely horrible for you! They cause inflammation in the body and inflammation is the cause of all diseases. Just give them the boot!

Coming soon#3 Sweeteners!

Where does your food come from?

Food. This topic comes up at least 3 times a day for most people but is given very little thought as to what it is and where it comes from! Many people assume what pops out of the can or from the box is indeed food and will accomplish what food is intended to do, nourish. 

Sadly its its not the case. Processed foods in cans and boxes and freezer items many look and even taste like food but it certainly doesn't do what it's supposed to, actually it does the opposite. You know how heart disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer, plus more are on the rise? Yeah well a big part of that is eating things disguised as food.

But worry not! Real, nourishing food does exist! And get this... It comes from real farmers! You saw that coming didn't you :)

Meet Dusty and Lorraine. They are one of the many small farmers growing clean (no chemical fertilizers and pesticides), local, delicious produce. Dusty's Garden is located on Robertson Road in Ottawa right at the beginning of the stretch of road between Bells Corners and Kanata. 

So what's special about them? For one thing you can eat their food and actually feel good! Their produce is not loaded with chemicals and it's not genetically modified. ( GMOs, or genetically  modified organisms are really damaging to people and the environment but we'll get into that another day. ) Dusty's produce is fresh, I mean out of the ground fresh. He grows much of it on his own land and receives other produce from trusted farmers. Dusty is famous for his garlic. If the only garlic you know of is garlic from China then you haven't had real garlic. His is powerful and strong, amazing! Yes it does cost more but totally worth it once you realize what goes into producing food in certain countries or on conventional farms, seriously.

If you are in Ottawa I urge you to give Dusty's Garden a visit (tell him Tahira sent you :) And if you aren't in Ottawa worry not, check out your local farmers market. Most cities have them. Most farmers are willing to share what goes into growing their food, if it's organic, clean, or something else. Just forget the processed foods and opt for the real stuff. You won't regret it!

Meet Dusty and Lorraine of Dusty's Garden.


Healthy Treats???

Yes it is possible to have sweet treats and not feel miserable after! No refined sugar, no gluten and no bad fats. Nothing but wholesome nutrition. Of course a treat is still a treat but there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. I'll help you find the right way :)

Cinnamon Buns!

Cinnamon Buns!


Have you ever wanted to make changes to your diet and lifestyle but didn't know where to start? Or were told to change x, y, and z to look and feel better but felt overwhelmed by all the changes to make on your own? That's where I come in! Want to look better naturally, have glowing skin? lose those extra pounds? not feel blah anymore? I'll work with you step by step and help you to reach your goals. We'll get it done, together!